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Reduce the risk of flat tires?
Getting a flat tire in general is just flat out annoying. . A flat tire costs money, squanders resources, wastes time and poses a safety risk. The damaged tire must be repaired or replaced.When a tire does need a repair or a replacement, there is a downtime created for the employee. Productivity
grinds to a halt while deadlines are missed and customers are disappointed. A tire must be flatproofed to eliminate all of these scenarios. Here are some benefits of using tire fill to
flatproof your tires.
Benefits of Using Tire Fill:
Eliminates costly downtime
Lowers vehicle center of gravity
Provides greater vehicle stability
Maximizes work output
Improves tire tread wear
Maintains proper tire pressure and
footprint shape for the life of the tire
Increases the life and performance of tire
Requires no maintenance
Eliminates the need for tire repair
Improves operation in harsh areas
Enhances operator safety
Increases driver confidence and comfort
Minimizes uneven tread wear
Reduces wheel slippage because of weight
Provides multiple levels of hardness
Reduces shock and stress to equipment
compared to solid tires or tracks

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